TmT - The mRNA Translator(previously known as the codon amino-acid finder)
© Wendy Yung, 2001 V1.1 (no bugs!)
After a much-needed 3 year gap, the DNA-codon finder has been updated with a much better-looking script. In fact, it's so much better that you can now enter more than one codon at a time... which makes it slightly more useful than the previous version ;).
As an added bonus, you can enter anything you like, and it'll read through all the extra letters and only translate those which it recognises as DNA/mRNA code (TUCAG). This is useful if you're copying and pasting from DNA database entries which tend to include spaces and numbers in with the sequence. It's also useful if you want to enter poetry, passages of prose (hey, you never know what you might find), or even your full name... mine translates to a stop codon followed by a start codon - I bet that means something...
Enter the mRNA or the DNA coding sequence in the box provided, then press the "translate" button :).
- added option where N's can be counted as part of the sequence. Useful for unclear sequencing results.
The mRNA Translator with DNA capabilities!
Sequence that was translated:
How it works:
The javascript will first read through your sequence, checking each letter to make sure it is DNA/mRNA code (TUCAG). If the letter is in the correct code, with the exception of the DNA-derived 'T', it is added to a sequencing string. If the letter is a T, it is changed into U before being added to the new sequence string. If it discovers any other letter/number/space, it ignores it and doesn't add it. You can take a look at the sequence string in the box next door... this is what gets translated.
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