Oh! My Comicness!

Re the title to this section - sorry sorry sorry! I thought it was funny, but not many would agree... this might be a warning about the content to follow... ^_^

Here are some comic/manga things for you to enjoy... well you'd better enjoy them >:( ! If you feel offended by the lack of storyline, plot or set-out, please address your flames to the guestbook. The same guestbook can be used for encouragement (hint hint!) and may I say that I would much prefer the latter. Which rhymes with flatter (more blatant hinting :D).

The comics have two link sections- the 'begin here' link leads to the inked comic, with sequential pages so that you can read continuously, while the numbered links go to the rough pages (sketches). The rough pages will definitely be put up faster than the inked ones and each image is about 70kb.

Bud - an officeworker and a fairy
Begin here
1 2 3


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