Wendy's Web
Last updated: 27th July, 2002

Hello, dear Visitor :)

If this is your first visit, you'll soon realise that this site is split into various confused sections. There's abit of anime, some writing, a fair dose of fantasy illustration, plus some javascript that wandered in and never quite went away. This is what happens if your favourite subjects at school are english and art, then you go off and do science at university :}.

Have a look anyway, and if you have any questions or comments, please go to the guestbook or messageboard - I'd love to hear from you.

Hope to see you again (hint- press ctrl-D ^_~),

All Things Anime

original art gallery

fanart gallery

anime CG tutorial

oh my comicness!

elfwood gallery

Odds 'n' ends :)

shorts and tales

javascripts :)

Baldur's Gate Portraits

about me :P


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