
Almost, but not quite exactly unlike me

Okay, you want to know something about me. The following are lists of insignificant details which will probably tell you more about me than any blood group quotation... they will also allow me to overuse the delightful <LI> tags. ^_^

  • My favourite things (please don't sing it)
    • My Corolla Conquest Seca. Its name is Volvo and it has no engine power. It has a great big smile and a cute little rear spoiler.
    • Currawongs & kookaburras. One is a huge evil looking black bird with fascinating golden eyes which sings the sweetest sounding little song (plus it's a big wuss), and the other is like a 90 year old dude sitting on a fence laughing at you.
    • Sternberg, the mouse. I've worked out his coat colour alleles (bio reference! Oh, the pain....). It's A-bbC-D-ss. Which means that he's cinnamon with piebald spots. He eats everything and is approximately the size and shape of a pingpong ball. (update: He is now larger than a pingpong ball and rapidly approaching cricket ball status). To prove it to you, here's a picture of him. The $2 coin is there as a reference... And just because I love him so much, here's another picture of him :).
    • Favourite songs - English/Japanese collab : Melodies of Life (english version of FF9 theme); Japanese : Cinderella, Ai Oboeteimasuka (Macross, Do you remember love?) & Tuxedo Mirage (Sailor Moon!)
    • Favourite movies - English : Shrek; Anime : Porco Rosso
  • Things that you would rather not know about Wendy
    • Backstreet Boys fan
    • Spice Girls fan
    • I liked "Robin Hood, Men in Tights"
  • Things that Wendy would not like for Christmas
    • Ironing board cover
    • Exit MouldTM


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