News & Updates

Want to talk? My email is wyung @ mail . usyd . edu . au (remove the spaces) and I really, really don't like spam. A real message, though, is greatly appreciated :).

Here are the updates that this poor site has gone through...

27th July, 2002

Woohoo! An update :) 3 new pictures... enjoy!
9th June, 2002

Hello all :) There's been an update, but you're going to have to scrounge around to find it. It's not a gallery thing although hopefully I'll get that going soon. [hint] You can only get to it from the welcome page. It's probably also going to be the new place for random pictures, so that's where you should be headed if you're here for my art. Oh, and life updates as well. [/hint]
I'm truly sorry about the lack of anything for half a year. Artist's block (or the more general term, laziness) seems to be floating around the art community in large and excessive amounts lately. Can somebody inspire me? I find that large wads of cash are very inspirational :).
28th January, 2002

Sorry about the delay. I managed to partially upload this afternoon (the BG page, for anyone who checked), but the Tripod File Manager broke down before I got to update this news page or the front page. Grr, Tripod... and thankyou, to CuteFTP! WS_FTP doesn't work anymore, which was why I tried the evil Tripod File Manager, and never again will that happen >:(.
The BG picture from earlier today has now been replaced with a nicer looking one - well, she now doesn't look quite as small when she's next to the giant-headed sirine :). So if you caught it, consider it a limited edition piece ;) I still have the other BG portraits to finish, having forgotten how long it takes me to colour images.
26th January, 2002

Happy Australia Day! And Happy Birthday to my Dad! *general cheers*

Currently am working on 2 BG portraits (make that 3), and have a few new fantasy/anime-ish artworks to scan in. Look for updates tomorrow or the day after at the latest :)
I've also noticed that the counter is creeping up to the 6000 mark. If you get one of the numbers 6001-6003, email me at wyung @ mail . usyd . edu . au (but change it into a real email address- no spaces!). I'll draw you a gift of whatever you want (but NO fanart, and NO pornography). No guarantee that it'd be good, but hey, I'll try! One drawing per person - and please back up your claim with a screenshot of the counter on the main page. Mini-instructions: Press the "Print Screen" key, then paste the image (Ctrl-V) into a paint program. Save it as a compressed jpg, and send it as an attachment.

5th December, 2001

New resources (really good ones- Elfwood FARP and Polykarbon) in the links section. Also, I hope you managed to notice the notice on the main page... I even put in HTML formatting for it :)
3rd December, 2001

First of all...

Please give a huge cheer for my sister Wanda and my new brother Andrew, who were married on the 1st of December, accompanied by the most lovely summer's day and loads of family and friends :)

Second of all, here are some updates! Because Elfwood is now frozen, I'll post my new fantasy art on this site. It'll go under the original gallery #3 in the increasingly inaccurately named 'All Things Anime' section. There's one new (mushy) picture for you there (hey, I was inspired). I also have a dodgy gift for the long-suffering Edgie, which needs a serious redraw. That's in the gift section (a subset of the original art section).

26th November, 2001

Some changes to the links section- including some banners if you should want to link to me (*wink wink*, blatant hinting XD ). I've changed the music review link to a link to my art at Elfwood. It contains images not found in the galleries on this site, so it's worth a look (but it's not exactly anime ;) ).
23rd November, 2001

There's a link to a new messageboard on the main page- look at the bottom, near the guestbook-signage section. It's there so that you can ask me quick questions or make whatever comment you want, without having to go through the entire guestbook process.
Right now you're not allowed to use HTML tags (I don't want people blatantly posting 20 pt font, bold, blinking ads for their sites), but if you want a critique on your art, or a modest ad, then enter the URL, and whoever's reading will just copy and paste. Hopefully :)
13th October, 2001

The original art gallery has been split into several pages, and there's a new gift art section, also put into the original art section.. Well it's original, it's just not mine ^^.
In other news...
Two new pictures in the All Things Anime gallery. Thesis due in 13 days. Doomed.
29th September, 2001

This is just a note to show that this website is still alive.. just being slow and tortoise-like, seeing as thesis-time is coming up :). I've got two unfinished pictures in the original gallery, and have updated the page about me to include my favourite song/movie, one of which is Japanese, and the other Indian. Ah multiculturalism :).
5th July, 2001

One more new Baldur's Gate picture (colour! ;) ). The BG section has now been split into several pages for your viewing pleasure =). Don't forget to give me your suggestions through the guestbook... and to pose you a couple of questions (answers to the junkmaily, spam-filled,
1) I don't usually display an email address, so if I set up a BBS, would you write in it (questions and comments, etc)?
2) Which section of the site do you like the best? - so that I know what to work on ;)
1st July, 2001

Three new Baldur's Gate pictures, and one of them's in colour :) Also updated has been the links page... One of the original brown & white BG pictures was coloured in by the wonderful Travis Adamson, so I've linked back to his site... thanks, Travis!
27th May, 2001

Don't faint, but I've updated again in the space of two days rather than two months. There's another new picture in the art gallery. This time it's one of my successful attempts at drawing a little kid. You should see the rest... ugh.
Bizarre episode for this update: I dreamed last night that we were going to play a touch football team named "Jellybelly Stirfry". The explanation for the name was "What you make when you add two yellow jellybellies to your fried rice instead of bayleaves." Do you even use bayleaves in fried rice?
Needless to say, I woke up confused.


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