Tutorial 1: Preparing line art for scanning

(1i) Fuzzy pencil sketch
Figure 1.1 - Sketchy pencil drawing
Starting point:
- you have a pencil sketch on paper

1i) Begin with a light (HB) pencil sketch on paper, which will have fuzzy lines all over it if you sketch the way I do (see image).

1ii) Go over the major lines with 2B or 3B pencil before inking- this steadies your hand, and gets you used to the lines of your own drawing. It also helps you see where the ink lines should go later.

1iii) After going over the major lines and when you're satisfied with the drawing, you can start inking. I use a black fountain pen, because that gives me a pretty good variation in line thickness. Just go over the major lines you made in the previous step, then erase all your pencil lines.

Finishing up:
- You now have a clean ink image for scanning!
- Click here to compare the three diagrams (i) fuzzy pencil; (ii) 2B pencil and (iii) inked.

Next tutorial: Scanning your line art